Thursday, January 13, 2011

The familiar circus

It's been over half a year since I last posted something on this blog. I tentatively mentioned an unannounced project but that's been buried under design issues for the time being. All this time I've been thinking about what I wanted to do with Backyard Interactive, but more importantly, what I wanted to do with programming. I think we've established that I'm not too good with some aspects of doing a project. Scope is a great way to screw yourself over by going to big too fast. Consistency is not one of my qualities when it comes to working on any of my pet projects and I lose interest quickly if things aren't going my way. Getting bogged down with stuff that doesn't work the way you want to is just a real hit in the gonads of motivation.

So I've been trying something new with that mindset. I thought it could be good practise to take on a project that's relatively easy to make, is something that I wanted to do at some point anyway and to do this project with the focus on getting shit done.

So I present to you, a first look at this new project, called CubeWars.

CubeWars is a simple 2D Platformer game featuring deliberately simple drawn characters. The gameplay will combine basic platformer action with some shooting and puzzling mixed in. Nothing ground breaking, nothing particularly noteworthy except that I intend to do the premise well.

I already have basic movement and gravity, and in not too long I'll have actual box collisions (currently only standing on objects works) and I can start on things like simple frame animations, maybe a level editor, some baddies and other such things. The design of the code is simply, or even ugly, to allow me to easily add on and see results of that work almost immediately.

We'll see what obstacles I'll run into with this project that's almost destined to be finished, in one shape or another, in the not-too-distant future.

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