Well I have a proper update for today! Huzzah. Thomas sent over the current state of the code base this weekend and I had some time to look over it since then. It's a real nice job! A lot better and more structured then my own, nooblet code. There's no real estimate on when it'll be ready but rest assured that it's going well and what we have is looking good.
In addition to the code I've been working on realizing some design documents. Being out of the loop on how the code comes together left me a little 'dazed' in the project but I managed to pick that up and started putting the ideas and concepts for the game that are inside my cranium into a more tangible form so I'm no longer the only one who knows how it's going to end up.
This is an ongoing process but it's going well and each step of the way I feel more confident that this'll be a fun game that can stand on it's own in the big bad indy scene.
Until next week!
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